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Wind, rain and an app, oh and of course some running!

This week we launched my campaign which is called The Difference a Day Makes. I can not believe the interest it has already attracted, I have booked in to be on Bradley Stoke radio, there has been an article published in the Bristol Evening Post, Bristol TV want to film an interview with me and lots of you have started to donate. I would like to thank each and every person that has donated. I am away on holiday  in Bude writing this and having to use my phone as the laptop can't connect to the internet on the resort that I am staying in. 

Tuesday 5th February 
Today was a interval training morning, I ran for 55 minutes and covered 5.66 mile at 9.43 minutes/mile. I struggle alot with runners belly (I will let you look that one up for yourselves!) When I do interval or sprint training and this morning was no difference. If anyone has a way of stopping this please leave a comment and let me know. I was listening to one of my podcast today and I have come up with an idea for a new app. I need an app that can let me.listen to my podcast but also be connected to my watch app so that when I have to sprint it will automatically switch to music and then back to the podcast after the sprint. Anyone know of an app that can do this and if not shhh don't tell anyone as we might be onto something here! Good news as well I managed to actually have breakfast this morning and after thinking about it so much on Sundays run I had porridge. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be! 

Thursday 7th February 
This morning it was super windy, literally every which way I turned the wind was in my face. Today's run was an out and back for 50 minutes. I ran 5.25 miles at an average pace of 9.32 minute/miles. Entertainment was the David Tennant podcast, he had Whopi Goldberg on this week and I found it so boring. 

Saturday 9th February 
Today it was a battle to just get myself out of bed! I went to a birthday party on Friday evening and I had a few ciders and maybe a Jager bomb. I also had to be out running by 6am as we are heading to Bude for the week and I still haven't packed. I felt awful on this run but just had to dig in and get it done. I ran for an hour, covered 6.35 miles at an average pace of 9.27 minute/miles. I listened to Spotify this morning, if anyone can recommend a playlist or an album please let me know in the comments. 

Sunday 11th February 
I am in Bude today and needed to do a 10 mile run. The morning didn't start off well as I had realised that I hadn't put my watch on charge overnight. This means I can't give you any info on my pace. After sulking around whilst getting ready, I headed out with Google maps and my music. I enjoyed this run alot, i had to run down a lot of roads with no footpaths but all the car were brilliant and slowed down when passing. Google maps ended up taking me down some very muddy lanes and across a golf course. It was here I met a lovely lady who invited me to Bude rats running club on Tuesday. I had plotted a course to run to Bude castle and back, this was the most hilly run I have ever done and my legs are now paying the price. I also had a bit of hip pain whilst running but this was my own fault. Due to the run being very hilly I was getting lazy with my strides on the down hill sections and this resulted in a lot of heel striking rather than padding on the balls of my feet. 

Thank you all again for taking time to read my blog and please continue to spread the word about about my Virgin giving page. I am going to start an Instagram page about my running, when I have set it up I will give you all the details.

Take care everyone and hope you have a good week

Steve (sorry I have had to add the pictures below due to uploading this on my phone)


  1. Runner's belly - reduce the amount of fibre you eat the day before a run! It does help ��


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