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Radio, Parkrun and 20 more miles!

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well.

First of all what can I say apart from WOW! and thank you to everyone that has read my blog this week, 330 views at the time of writing. That number is higher than I could every have imagined and now makes me even more nervous about writing about my week. I have to admit that I am competitive so now we have hit 330 views lets go for more, do you think we could make 350 this week? Please share, share, share! on all the social media outlets about my challenge, tell anyone that will listen and let's keep that number of readers rising. This will hopefully lead to more and more donations to help Jessie May support families with terminally ill children.
The total raised stands at £752 which is 25% of my £3000 target. It's been a quiet week for donations but hopefully this will pick up. We have only moved for 1% in a week but we are heading in the right direction. If you feel you can donate even a small amount it will make such a difference to the families that the Jessie May team supports. To donate please click here.

This week I was invited onto Bradley Stoke Radio, they do a charity hour show every Friday. Myself and Helen had a blast and we were able to spread the word about Jessie May and also my 24 hour challenge. When i say spread the word about Jessie May that was down to Helen and she did an amazing job as she always does. I just want to shout out the whole fundraising team as they do such an incredible job! They always say the nurses do an amazing job but without them going out everyday and raising money the nurses wouldn't be able to do their job. I feel I can say this from the whole care team....Thank you! We must have done something right as were have been invited back after I have completed from challenge to update their listeners on how it went. If you missed the show on Friday and want to have a listen please click here to hear a repeat of the show.

Right back to the main purpose of this blog, the running! It's been a good week and i have to say month. My legs are feeling strong and I that i will be able to hit my target of a sub 4 hour 30 minute marathon in May. So let me tell you about March's stats, I have run over 145 miles this month and burnt 72,326 calories. I'm impressed with these stats and I think leading up to the marathon this will be the most miles I will run in one month. All that will change when I switch to training for a 24 hour run. This weekend coming I will be doing a 22 mile run, this is the longest run I will be doing before I complete the Newport marathon which is on the 5th May. After this weekend I will enter the tapering period of my training, this means the miles i run will start to come down but i will still be running at the same intensity. This is to help my legs recovery and be completely ready for the Marathon

                                                     Tuesday 26th March
Another of my favorite training runs to, Thresholds. Although we have been having such good weather lately the mornings have been starting off a bit chilly and today was no different. I decided that as it is lighter in the morning's now it would be ok to run down through Savages wood in Bradley Stoke, it was very peaceful and look amazing with the sun rising and the little bit of frost that was around. My run lasted an hour, I covered 6.92 miles and my average pace was 8.40 minute/miles.

Thursday 28th March
Another beautiful sunny but chilly morning today and as per-normal it was a recovery run. I got to admit i don't really have much to report from this run, my legs were feeling good but i was tense across my shoulders and up into my neck. I ran for 40 minutes and covered 4.83 miles at an average pace of 8.16 minute/miles. Now lets move on from this boring run asap!

Friday 29th March
Brexit day, oh wait no it's not......... moving on!

                                                      Saturday 30th March
Parkrun day! I arrived at Chipping Sodbury just to hear the starter shout go! This meant that I had to start from the very back of the field. After half a lap I had caught up with the 22 minute pacer, this cost me a lot of energy but I was determined to go sub 22 minutes. I sat in behind the 22 minute pacer for most of the way and made my move half a lap before the end. I finished but didn't have my watch but I knew I was sub 22 minutes as I finished in front of the pacer. This was a big effort and I'm not going to lie I also vomited twice and has to swallow a mouth full of sick. Sorry if that was an over share but I did warn you in my first blog that I would share everything. Later that day I got my time, 22 minutes and 51 seconds. That is the fastest I have completed Parkrun for a long time. Unfortunately it wasn't a PB.

Sunday 31st March
20 miles again today, yes you read it right 20 miles again! This is the second to last long run before I start tapering. Dad has been rough all week and wasn't going to run today. He did however get on his bike and came along for the ride. I felt good for most of the run, like earlier in the week I was really tense in my shoulders and neck. I started to feel it in my legs at around 16 miles but not enough to think that I can't push through to 26 miles. Half way round dad paid me back for last week and had to leave me as he was called into work...... Karma I guess! I completed 22 miles in 3 hours 21 minutes. My average pace was 10.05 minute/miles. My legs this afternoon have been painful and I am feeling it in the front of my thighs, this is new to me as it is normally my calf muscles. I can't say a bad word about my compression selves on my calf muscles, they help so much. Another thing i'm going to share with you and this is the second week it's happened is a got a chafing problem, that's right chaffing but not where you would expect it........ it's in my right armpit. Going to have to get some Vaseline in there next week.

I want to thank you all again for coming along on this journey with me! Again if you feel you can donate click here. Please please also share my story with friends and family members. I would love to hear from you, I always keep an eye on Jessie May Facebook page so if you comment on there I will see it and reply. The plan for next weekend is 22 miles, I know it's crazy but I am looking forward to this! I have no more plans for appearing on TV or radio but if anyone works in this sector and can pull a full strings to help me get the word out about Jessie May and my challenge then i would be really grateful if you got in touch. Even if you can't donate just by opening up this opportunity could lead to more money being raised for Jessie May.

I hope you all have a good week, take care!



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